News — WeaponsAndFirearms

The surging popularity of brace-equipped AR pistols and short, handy “firearms” like the Mossberg Shockwave and Remington Tac-14 and Tac-13 has seen more and more shooters getting interested in the idea of carrying a “long” gun around as part of...


The surging popularity of brace-equipped AR pistols and short, handy “firearms” like the Mossberg Shockwave and Remington Tac-14 and Tac-13 has seen more and more shooters getting interested in the idea of carrying a “long” gun around as part of...

The idea of a civilian keeping a long gun close at hand away from home is nothing new. Frequently in years past those of us who grew up in the South and in smaller rural communities all across America would regularly see a pickup truck’s rear window adorned with a rack complete with a rifle or a shotgun in it. Occasionally you will even see an example of that today. More often, today’s truck guns when they are present are carried differently, typically stashed out of sight beneath a seat or in a specialty vehicle safe. Though for civilians the...

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