The Sky’s Not Falling: Fly on the Wall

Cake Dessert FlyOnTheWall Funny Humor

Welcome to a monthly Fly on the Wall group post. Today 5 bloggers are inviting you to catch a glimpse of what you’d see if you were a fly on the wall in our homes. Come on in and buzz around my house. At the end of my post you’ll find links to this month’s other participants’ posts.

Hubs was down in the man cave watching sports one Saturday morning when I went to take a shower. Of course in the shower is where I remember everything, this time it was something I needed Hubs to do.

Once out of the shower and before I could forget, I opened the door to the basement (where the man cave is) and yelled down to tell him what I needed him to do.

I sat down on the couch in the den and started working on a blog post. Fifteen minutes later, the door from the garage to the house opens and in walks Hubs.

I'm guessing he didn't hear what I need him to do . . .

We were sitting in the living room and the boys were talking about how they rarely use social media. They tend to use SnapChat, but those posts aren't permanent. 

Hubs: Do you use Instagram?
PurDude: I have an account, but I rarely post there.
Me: I rarely use it too because you have to post pics from your phone and I mostly take food pics with my camera to download onto my laptop so I can edit them and use them on my blog.
Hubs: You can't post to Instagram from your laptop?
PurDude: I think you can.
Me: I have it on my laptop, but can only post a pic on my cell. Although, there's a good possibility I'm just not doing it right.
Hubs: Yeah, I was gonna say it's probably operator error.
Me: And you were almost smart enough not to say it out loud.
Hubs: Well, I also didn't tell you it might help if you go ask a 10 year old . . .

PurDude got a new car. It didn't have a front license plate holder, and we have to have both front and back plates here. The guys were out front trying to figure out how to get a plate onto the front of his car as the area where it would go is not flat and there were no holes in the right places for a plate to fit when I walked out.

Me: I have a joke.
Hubs (a little frustrated): I'm not in the mood for a joke right now.
Me: How many Blessings does it take to put on a license plate?

And for the record, we did get that plate on. And I was the one to finally figure it out.

Hubs had talked to our insurance company about insuring PurDude's car. The next day he shared with us that he got a survey about the customer service he received. I told him to fill it out as they are just great every time we call them.

Hubs fills it out, then starts laughing.

Hubs: This must be a joke, after the survey it tells me I can thank Sarah.
Me: How?
Hubs: You can click one of these options. It must be a joke.
Me: What are the options?
Hubs: Well, like the first one is "a promotion". Oh, oh no, oops, I just clicked on it.
Me: That's OK. What were the other options?
Hubs: Well, all I know is the second one was a free lunch. Damn, maybe she'd like a free lunch.
Me: Don't worry, with her new promotion she can buy herself lunch.
Hubs: Oh. Yeah. Right. Good.

And now I'm going to wonder for the rest of my life if Sarah actually got a promotion.

I was talking to PurDude about the cord to my laptop, which has cracked open in one spot. He suggested I check google to see where I can get a new one.

Hubs: The casing actually is open? Is there exposed cord?
Me: Yes, a little, it just pulled apart up by where it plugs into the laptop.
Hubs: I need to cover that with electrical tape.
Me: It'll be fine until I get a new one.
Hubs: No, it's dangerous. It could shock you.
Me: I raised two boys, nothing can shock me.

I actually got a rare chuckle out of PurDude with that one!

Peach White Chocolate Chip Cake

I often talk about episodes where auto-correct gets me in trouble. I really (really, really) need to take the time to be sure I read and read again what I'm posting before I press "enter".

My friend had posted a picture of herself. It was a really beautiful picture so I commented on it, writing "perfect".

I went back later to see the other comments people had written to her. That's when I saw it, my comment on her picture, "pervert". 

Hubs usually stops up the street at the mailbox to get the mail. We're in a cluster box, and in a system that only makes sense to the USPS, not the one closest to our house. Hubs stops there on the way home, unless I've texted him during the day to tell him that I got the mail and he doesn't have to stop.

One day last week:

Hubs: There wasn't any mail today.
Me: Yes there was, I got it.
Hubs: Oh, you didn't tell me.
Me: Yes I did.
Hubs: I must not have seen your text.
Me: Well that's funny, 'cause you answered it.

Hubs walks in the door after work.

Hubs: Gonna go quickly change my clothes, I'm starving, what's for dinner?

I tell him what we're having, he goes upstairs and doesn't come back down. I go up to see if he's OK, and he's just sitting there.

Me: You OK?
Hubs: Yeah, I'm fine. And I want to stay that way.
Me: OK . . . why aren't you coming down to eat, you said you were starving?
Hubs: I don't want to die.
Me: What the hell are you talking about?
Hubs: You said you were serving poison chicken.
Me: Hoisin. Hoisin chicken, not poison chicken.
Hubs: You're not trying to kill me?
Me: Not today.

Note to self: no need to go screaming for your husband because the roof is leaking. That's actually the shadow of the bird cage you have hanging there.

And btw, no matter what you think you see, the sky's not falling either.

I had been making a few recipes using peaches and decided to create a cocktail recipe. I knew some of the ingredients I wanted to use, but had a question about quantities.

Me: How many cups in a bottle of wine.
Hubs: For you . . . one.

Yeah, that helped.

Now click on the links below for a peek into some other homes:

Never Ever Give Up Hope  
Menopausal Mother 
Spatulas on Parade
Bookworm in the Kitchen

Peach White Chocolate Chip Cake                                                                        ©

Printable Recipe

1 box white cake mix
1/2 cup oil
1/4 cup French vanilla creamer
3 eggs
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 box (about 3 oz) peach jello, divided
1/2 cup white chocolate chips 
2 ripe peaches, pitted and sliced thin 

1/4 cup powdered sugar

NOTE: You won't use all of the peach jello granules, seal the packet and save the rest for another time

*Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour a 9 X 13 baking pan.
*Beat the cake mix, oil, creamer, eggs, cinnamon and 3 TBSP of the jello granules for 2 minutes. Stir in the white chocolate chips and pour evenly into the prepared pan.
*Spread the peach slices over the top of the batter and bake for 35 to 40 minutes, or until the top is browned and the center springs back to the touch.
*Cool completely, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
*Store, covered, in refrigerator. Bring to room temperature for serving. #Cake #Funny #FlyOnTheWall #Humor #Dessert
Cake Funny FlyOnTheWall Humor Dessert

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