ArtBin Makes a Great Mini Tool Box

ArtBin Mini Sidekick Tool Box

I found a great tool box in the most unexpected of places – an art supply store!

The ArtBin Mini Sidekick is a small gear box that I find to be well-suited for project or task-specific kits.

Flambeau, ArtBin’s parent company, makes similar tool boxes in black, but I’ve found them to very hard to find except in bulk quantities. So, I bought a couple of ArtBins.

ArtBin Mini Sidekick Tool Box Measurements

The box measures 11″ long x 5.5″ wide x 7″ tall at its widest, and the base measures 9.8″ long x 4.75″ wide.

I started with one recently, and bought more once I confirmed its quality.

The ArtBin Mini Sidekick gear boxes are made with translucent plastic (polypropylene according to the recycling label), which I’m happy about. It often takes me a few tries to get my organizational scheme finalized, and so it’s great to be able to ID a box and its general contents with just a glance.

The boxes are fairly sturdy, stackable, and open with a single latch. They’re easy to move around using the fold-flat handle.

The only downside is that the colorful ArtBin logo is permanently fixed to the tool box, or at least it doesn’t feel to be a sticker or easily-removed decal.

In my eyes, this is a small but serious tool box.

Price: ~$15 on average

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