Things I’m Loving Friday #407

Hey friends! Happy Friday to you! It feels like an extra fun Friday over here because I’m off to Boise, Idaho to meet up with some of my best friends from elementary school today.

We’re heading to my friend Carrie’s house to meet her baby girl, Eloise, and I cannot wait for some newborn snuggles. It will be so wonderful to be reunited with some of my closest friends, especially since it’s been nearly three years since we have been together in the same place. (I am pretty sure the last time we were all together was in Park City in the summer of 2019.) Our time together is long overdue and meeting little baby Eloise will be the icing on the cake of this trip!

I will try to find a moment to sneak in some blogging on the flight home so I’ll hopefully have a recap of the weekend to share with you guys on Monday. Until then, scroll on down to check out this week’s roundup of favorites, Things I’m Loving Friday style!

Things I’m Loving Friday

I saw this idea pop up on Instagram over the holidays. I was instantly intrigued by a random Instagram Reel I saw featuring black and brown kraft paper decorated with gold and silver chalk paint pens. The wrapping was beautiful and so unique! Fast forward about a month and I saw an influencer on Instagram apply the idea to kid birthday presents and I was sold!

I’ve been using the black kraft paper and chalk paint pens we already had to decorate random gifts for friends and the boys’ buddies’ birthday gifts and it’s added a little joy to gift wrapping for me! Plus, the boys LOVE helping decorate the gifts they give their friends and personalizing them with the chalk paint pens. (I snapped the above pic so I could include it in today’s post but Chase will be decorating the present before a birthday party he’s attending on Sunday!)

Note: If you balk at the $20 price tag on a roll of the paper, just know that these rolls of kraft paper last forever. We’ve used the white butcher paper we ordered in the beginning of quarantine like crazy for various craft projects and banners and still haven’t needed to order another one! And for further cost perspective, an average roll of wrapping paper is 25 feet and this roll is 150 feet!

I’ve been a fan of NOW’s essential oil roll-ons for years. (The lavender will always be a personal favorite.) During cold and flu season I especially love the NOW Seasonal Defense Roll-On. It has a warm and spicy smell that comes from a combination of organic orange peel, organic eucalyptus, organic clove and cinnamon essential oils. I keep one of these roll-ons in the door of my car and roll it on my wrists a couple of times a day. It gives me a little boost and helps support a healthy immune system.

(FYI, my code PBFINGERS gets you 20% off everything at which is where I prefer to order my essential oil roll-ons, organic rose hip seed oil, etc. I do not make any money when you use my code but I do have an ongoing Instagram partnership with NOW Foods and love the company.)

  • Inventing Anna

I’ve seen so much hype about this new Netflix show on the internet but three things made me want to give it a shot: 1. I haven’t really been into a show since Schitt’s Creek and have been on the lookout for a new one to stream. 2. It’s based on a true story and 3. It’s produced by Shonda Rhimes. I loved the early seasons of Scandal (produced by Rhimes) and noticed many familiar faces from the show in Inventing Anna.

I’ve only seen a few episodes of Inventing Anna at this point (three-ish?) but it’s proving to be intriguing in an escapist kind of way. The premise is immediately captivating. Anna “Delvey” Sorokin is a 20-something woman who convinced New York City’s elite she was a German heiress worth millions. I like the cast and the show is definitely binge-worthy. It does feel like the kind of show that’s going to semi-quickly run out of steam for me (much like Scandal) but, for now, I’m enjoying it!

  • February 2022 Top 10

In an effort to be better at taking the time to analyze some of my analytics, last year I began sharing a monthly recap in my Friday posts highlighting my top 10 blog posts and your top 10 favorite finds from the blog + Instagram. Hopefully this will also help you check out some blog posts you might have missed or help you easily locate an item I’ve mentioned in the past that got buried in blog/social media mayhem.

Here’s a peek at was you guys liked best in February 2022!




My blogging buddy and NASM personal trainer Gina of The Fitnessista recently teamed up with registered and licensed dietitian nutritionist Mia Votapka to create Total Body Reset, 6-week program that includes weekly video trainings, workout videos, live Q&A sessions, tracking and progress assessments and an online accountability group for community. It’s not a fitness workout program but rather an educational module-based program that aims to teach you the “how” and “why” to set up sustainable healthy living strategies for life.

Total Body Reset does not rely on diets or deprivation (hooray!) and aims to get to the root cause of the body’s needs, with a focus on hormones and sustainable nutrition strategies. Gina has been a close blogging friend of mine since the early days of PBF and I fully trust and support her programs. She pours so much time, energy and expertise into the programs she creates and I love that she teamed up with a registered dietitian to create Total Body Reset!

  • Friday Flashbacks

Teriyaki Salmon Bowls (I am convinced I could eat this dish multiple times a week and never get sick of it!)

Teriyaki Salmon Bowls

Abstainers vs. Moderators (Diving into the differences between the two and how identifying which camp you fall into can increase your happiness.)

Question of the Day

What is one thing making you smile today? 

The post Things I’m Loving Friday #407 appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

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