The Party is Over

It seems like we just started the April Ultimate Blog Challenge and now the party is over! I completed a blog each day for the month of April, only two more challenges and I will celebrate 5 years with the Ultimate Blog Challenge. What a month it’s been – full of reading exciting blogs from other participants, thanking readers for visiting our blogs, reconnecting with previous challenge members and meeting new ones.

I’d like to thank Paul Taubman host of the UBC, for sending out daily suggestions for blog topics, hosting webinars and keeping everything going smooth. I am in my fifth year of the Ultimate Blog Challenge and I have never seen any negative posts or arguing, just everyone complimenting other bloggers and lending a helping hand when needed. Paul will be sending out invites and reminds in June so you can join in on the July challenge! Also if your blog needs help or you have any website questions, be sure to visit Paul’s website and contact him if you have any questions on your blog.

I like how there is such a diversity of blogs, we all have our own style of writing, some are educational, some are virtual travel tours while others share book reviews or recipes. We even have bloggers that write about their businesses, spiritual blogs plus families and kids, whether they are two legged or four legged ones.

I have enjoyed having my 20 month old great granddaughter join me in putting together her Friday Story Time by Lia. It’s been fun and sometimes hilarious when she does her baking and cooking blogs, especially when she takes a bit of an egg then slices it without thinking twice.

When Lia wrote her story last Friday I told her it was the last one for the April challenge but she plans on posting at least every other Friday and I wouldn’t put it past her to write one every week! She’s already working on a new story now! My personal goal now that the challenge is over will be to write at least one or two blogs a week. Something about when the challenge month is over, I’m still in full gear for writing.

Speaking of Lia, she has surpassed me in a few of her blogs from both views and comments! I will be posting a blog about Lia’s and my final stats in a few days. I love how she shares her bubbly personality and smiles with everyone and how she touches so many hearts. Lia is the most compassionate little person and loves helping and learning new things. She is looking forward to the July challenge and then in August she will turn two years old! Lia is growing up way too fast!

There are so many bloggers I want to recognize but the list is so long. All the bloggers in this challenge whether they are “old” (as in previous challenges, not in age) or new to UBC are top notch! A big thank you to everyone and I hope you continue to write at least now and then until we go full speed ahead in July.

As for Lia, she wants to mention one of her new friends. Lia loves fyy-fyy’s (butterflies), owws (owls,) birds and of course puppies. It’s hard to pick one blog out of all of them but when Lia is sitting with me while I read the blogs, it’s the puppies that always get her attention. She will have a big smile on her face, point to the puppies and “woof” at them. Pamela Schmidlin is a dog person but Lia melted her heart and Pam’s pups melted Lia’s heart. Lia is both a people person and animal lover and the two bonded through blogging. Lia looks forward to seeing Pam’s puppies and Pam enjoys Lia’s recipes, gardens and smiles. Be sure to check out Pam’s blog where her dogs are her kids!

This is a poem I wrote when the January 2018 UBC ended…

Ultimate Blog Challenge that’s the name,

Write a blog each day, that’s the game.

Four times a year it’s a win-win,

Old friends are back and new friends join in.

The comments and views on each blog we write,

Will help make your stats go out of sight.

The bloggers we meet have the same thing in mind,

To finish the challenge and don’t get behind.

The Ultimate Blog Challenge is over today,

But the friends we have met are here to stay. 

What are your plans now that the April challenge is over? Are you planning on continuing to keep your writing juices flowing until the July challenge? I love challenges of all kinds but this blog challenge is one of my favorites.

So the party is over and we want to give everyone a big congratulations! Even if you weren’t able to blog every day, you still gave it your all! Until the July Ultimate Blog Challenge rolls around….. blog on!

The post The Party is Over appeared first on The Martha Review.

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