30+ Opposite Activities for Preschoolers to Help with Directions, Feelings & More!

Click here to read 30+ Opposite Activities for Preschoolers to Help with Directions, Feelings & More! on Hands On As We Grow®

There are many benefits of activities that teach opposites to preschoolers.

It can help them expand their vocabulary, learn directions, understand how to express feelings and emotions, and so much more.

Help preschoolers expand their vocabulary, learn directions, understand how to express emotions, and more with some easy opposite activities!

But simply repeating hot and cold, happy and sad, up and down, and other opposites over and over again can get so boring.

So what is a parent to do?

Here are more than thirty opposite activities for preschoolers that you can try today.

Simple, educational, and the opposite of boring!

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Opposite Directions Activities for Preschoolers

All kids of ways to introduce and have fun with opposites at home with your preschoolers, and toddlers too, with simple activities.

Up and down. Over and under. In and Out. Left and right. We’ve got you covered with these twelve opposite activities for preschoolers. Get ready to dive in and check them out!

  • Hatch your own pop up bird as seen on I Heart Crafty Things. A template is available for purchase if desired. Peek a boo!
  • Blast up and down with a rocket found on Arty Crafty Kids. A free template is provided with an email subscription. Up, up, and back down!
  • Raid the craft cupboard to make this craft supplies weaving as shown on The Craft Train. Use leftover supplies while practicing over and under!
  • Go outside with this opposites preschooler activity and collect items for this nature weaving from Rocket City Mom. Outside, inside, over, and under.
  • Grab some paper for a paper weaving found on Kids Activities Blog. Paper is so versatile!
  • Construct a paper and yarn weaving as seen on Days with Grey.
  • Move a worm in and out with this worm in an apple craft shown on I Heart Crafty Things.
  • Catch an insect in this frog toilet paper roll craft as seen on Messy Little Monster. Then spit it back out. Does the frog want the insect in or out of its mouth?
  • Do the hokey pokey like Homeschool Preschool. Put your right hand in, take your right hand out. Great gross motor activity for practicing opposites with your preschoolers while getting out the wiggles!
  • Jump up and down with this left and right game shown on Childhood 101.
  • Play a left, right, up, down activity as seen on Shumee.
  • Practice left and right with this painted hands wrapping paper found on Stories of a Shift Working Mom. Perfect for wrapping gifts!

Opposite Feelings Activities for Preschoolers

Feelings can include emotions and textures, right? Happy and sad. Hard and soft. Smooth and rough. Wet and dry. I’m happy to share these six opposite feelings activities for preschoolers. Please don’t be sad when they’re done!

  • Smile and frown with this face craft found on East Coast Mommy. How are you feeling today?
  • Go on an opposite hunt with this hard vs. soft activity and as seen on TeachersMag.
  • Stick your hand in sensory boxes as shown on How We Montessori. A great way to practice many texture opposites!
  • Play with oatmeal in these wet and dry oatmeal sensory bins found on Fantastic Fun and Learning. O is for opposites and oatmeal. And sensory bins are great for hands-on learning!
  • Feel various objects on a texture collage like the one on Modern Homestead Mama. Soft pom poms, hard buttons, rough sand paper, smooth pebbles, shiny and dull pennies. These are just some items that could be used.
  • Talk about big emotions and small emotions with this sticky learning activity seen on I Can Teach My Child.

More Opposite Activities for Preschoolers

Understanding opposites is a key to learn about for preschoolers. Here are all kids of ideas to get you started on teaching opposites while enjoying simple activities with your preschoolers!

Are you looking for even more opposite activities for preschoolers?

Don’t miss the following list of fifteen more fun learning activities you can do at home.

What activities will you try first and last?

Help preschoolers expand their vocabulary, learn directions, understand how to express emotions, and more with some easy opposite activities!

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